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S H O R T   F I  C T I O N

"Benjamins" is forthcoming in Kestrel: A Journal of Literature and Art. Issue 52. Winter 2024-2025.

"Franklin Mint." The Red Branch Review. Issue 3. Nov. 2024.

"Watchers." Painted Bride Quarterly. April 30, 2024.

"Retrospective." Cleaver Magazine. Issue 44. Dec. 26, 2023.

"Sarvisberry." New Limestone Review. Dec. 15, 2023.

"Umber Girl, 1983." Still: The Journal. Winter 2019.

"The Art of War." Minola Review. Issue 16, Dec. 2017. 

"A Tender Age, 1968." Solstice Literary Magazine. Spring 2017. 

"Millicent Gardens, 1936." The New Engagement. Issue 9, March 2017.          

"Belle Fleur." Eyes Burning at the Edge of the Woods: Contemporary West Virginia Fiction  and Poetry. WVU Press, 2017.

"Sentry." H.O.W. Journal. Issue 12, 2016.

"Dragonfly." Kudzu Literary Magazine. 2016.

"Laser Beam." F(r)ictionOnline. February 2016.        

"Belle Fleur." Cleaver Magazine. Issue 12. Winter 2015/16. 

"The Wife You Wanted." Appalachia Now: Short Stories of Contemporary Appalachia. 2015.  

"The Conversion of Tom Engle." China Grove. Volume 3, Issue 3. 2015.

"Dragonfly." Monkeybicycle. Jan. 2015. 

"The Wife You Wanted." ALCA-Lines. 2013.  

"Caving." South Writ Large. Summer 2012. 

"Farther South."  Echo Ink Review. Volume 2, Issue 1, 2010.

"Grooming."  Writers' Dojo.  Summer 2009. 

"The Wife You Wanted." Portland Review. Vol.1, Issue 56. Spring/Summer 2009.

"Hand. Me. Down." Kestrel. Issue 22. Spring 2009. 

"Trace Fossils." Black Dogs Unleashed: The Tenth Anniversary Anthology. 2008.

"Caving." Hamilton Stone Review. Issue Number 16. October 2008.

“Childproof.”  Calyx Journal.  Volume 24, Number 3. Summer 2008.

“Triggers.”  ViêtNow.  Volume 16, Number 1.  Winter/Spring 2006.  

“Get Ready.”  The Long Story.  Number 23. 2005.

“Caving.”  GSU Review.  Fall 2004. 

“Eclipse.” Chaffin Journal. 2003.  

“Distillation.”  Carve Magazine. Volume 4, Number 6.  November 1, 2003. 

“Crystal City.”  The Chicago Tribune.  Special Awards Section.  October 26, 2003.

“1909S V.D.B.”  Toyon.  Volume 49.  2003.

“Lucky.”  Timber Creek Review. Volume 6, Number 2. Fall 1999.

“Counting Backwards.” Echo Ink Review. Volume 1, Issue 1. Winter 1997. 

“Amnesty.”  Prairie Schooner. Volume 71, Number 4. Winter 1997.  

“Nesting.” Yemassee Review. Volume IV, Number II. Winter/Spring 1997.

“Counting Backwards.”  Mississippi Review Prize Issue. Volume 25. 1996

© 2025 by Marie Manilla

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